EB&P Wins at the Business Desk Awards.

Left to Right: Alex Turner, Joint Managing Director - TheBusinessDesk, Esther Broomhall (EB&P), Lucy Cullen (EB&P), Linda Degg, Facilities Director - Millennium Point

EB&P is delighted to announce it has won its first award! While we have been shortlisted for several awards now, we are really pleased to announce that on Thursday evening, we won Start Up Company of The Year Award at the Business Desk’s West Midlands Business Master Awards!

We attended a black-tie event at The Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham where the awards were announced to around 230 business leaders.

Esther commented: “It was such a surprise to win this award and we are extremely grateful to be recognised within our local area. We are on such a roll at the moment and are continuing to fulfil our commitment to our business ethos”.

Also congratulations to Piper Homes, who the EB&P team shared a table with, and who won Fast Growth Business; and all the other award winners that evening.

For help buying or selling a home within the Warwickshire area, please call Esther and the team on 01564 791010.


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